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Constructed Awareness

Orientation Types

MES: Achieving Mentally Oriented—Active

Like fire, this type can warm or burn. When in tune (in a healthy, balanced state), this type can warm those around them, causing people to draw near and feel safe. When dissonant (in an unhealthy, out-of-balanced state), this type can become too hot for those around them, causing people to move away or be burned. MESs are driven to achieve. They are gifted at developing new ideas and manifesting them in the world. Their minds are able to process information and make decisions quickly. This can be very useful but also limiting because once they make their mind up about something, it can be difficult for them to see it any other way.

Adjectives Describing the MES Type

In Tune (healthy, balanced state): Analytical, assertive, driven, decisive, creative, strong, determined, loving, protective, charming, generous, charismatic, optimistic, self-reliant, self-controlled, responsible, ambitious, consistent, precise, clear, detail-oriented, competent, confident

Dissonant (unhealthy, out-of-balanced state): Opinionated, resentful, self-important, angry, impatient, impulsive, intimidating, demanding, overprotective, critical, inflexible, judgmental, self-promoting, overextending, resentful

Principle Characteristics

In Tune: When in tune, MESs are good at developing plans, good at following through with plans, and good at completing tasks. They are able to accomplish more than any other type (but may be prone to burning out). If they are in tune, they are also aware of sensations and external cues that tell them they are overdoing it or crossing someone’s boundaries.

Dissonant: When dissonant, MESs are hyper-driven, even if it means hurting someone else or pushing themselves to the point of exhaustion. They may see the world as a competition or something to conquer and are viewed by others as workaholics. Dissonant MESs are prone to rumination, anger, and isolation. Being disconnected from their body, they will push through pain and endure by cutting off from sensations.

Communication Style

MESs are likely to communicate directly and efficiently. Being strongly mentally oriented, they are naturally good at putting words to what they are thinking, though they may struggle putting words to feelings. They are typically quick-witted and able to contemplate and communicate deep concepts. Dissonant MESs are more prone than any other type to speak with a sharp or hateful tone. They can use their words to tear people down, impose their opinions, and/or gaslight others. On the other hand, in-tune MESs can use their verbal skills to uplift and encourage those around them.


MESs struggle with boundaries in two ways. First, they frequently cross the boundaries of others, even though this is often done with good intentions. Their ardent desire to protect and serve often causes them to help where they aren’t welcome. On the other hand, sometimes they may cross boundaries intentionally because they believe things would be better if people just do it their way. Secondly, MESs are likely to have no boundaries with the ones they love. They give of themselves and allow loved ones to take as much as they want until the MES feels taken advantage of or disrespected. At this point, the MES will wall up and lash out in anger. When this happens, the MES is typically ashamed of the way they reacted and then returns to having no boundaries. Many MESs find themselves repeating this cycle.

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