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Constructed Awareness

Orientation Types

EMS: Adapting Externally Oriented—Active

The EMS type is breezy and able to go with the flow. They can adapt and are gifted at reading their environment. Some EMS are more able to adapt to their environment, while others adapt their environment to meet their needs. When in tune (in a healthy, low-stress state), they can engage their external world while staying true to who they are. When dissonant (in an unhealthy, out-of-balanced state), their sense of self is easily swept away by the winds of change that are happening around them.

Adjectives Describing the EMS Type

In Tune (healthy, balanced state): Adaptive, extroverted, outgoing, energetic, optimistic, versatile, talented, spontaneous

Dissonant (unhealthy, out-of-balanced state): Scattered, undisciplined, exhausted, indecisive, unreliable, needy, manipulative

Principle Characteristics

In Tune: EMSs are naturally gifted at reading and meeting the needs of their environment. When in tune, EMSs can adapt themselves to their environment when it’s appropriate while maintaining an understanding of who they are as a person and what they themselves want and need. In-tune MESs can accomplish a lot. Their active energy can make them fun, outgoing, likable, optimistic, and good at working with a team. Their ability to adapt can make them extremely versatile and good at many things.

Dissonant: The active energy of the EMS can push them too far if they are not careful. When this happens, they can become exhausted and scattered. Their thoughts may be flighty—jumping from idea to idea. This may be seen as an attention deficit. Dissonant EMSs may also struggle with their sense of self. Given their orientation is most strongly rooted in their external environment, they are naturally less developed internally. This leaves them unable to connect with the physical and mental clues that tell them who they are and what they want. Instead, they rely on others and society to identify their wants and needs.

Communication Style

EMSs are usually very talkative, though they may struggle to communicate clearly, especially when experiencing dissonance. Their active energy can keep them jumping from one idea to the next. When this happens, they may appear distracted or confused. This is more likely to happen if they are in conflict with someone, if they are experiencing discomfort of any kind, or if their environment isn’t giving them what they need to feel regulated. In conversation, they are likely to talk about what is happening around them, keep their attention on the needs of others, and use lots of hand gestures that move away from their body.


EMSs are less developed internally. Therefore, they often struggle more than other types to identify the mental and sensation clues that tell them when someone is crossing their boundaries or when they are crossing someone else’s boundaries. It is not uncommon for EMSs to find themselves in undesirable or risky situations. Their external focus causes them to miss their system’s internal warning signs and only notice them once it’s too late.

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