MSE: Thinking Mentally Oriented
MSE represents deep thinkers. Individuals with this style often exhibit intelligence, creativity, inquisitiveness, and an ability to think more deeply about complex topics than other styles. Oftentimes, they are seen as quiet, shy, eccentric, and socially awkward. When in tune (in a healthy, balanced state), people with an MSE style are self-sufficient but able to reach out to others. When dissonant (in an unhealthy, out-of-balance state), they may experience hopelessness and a lack of safety, leading them to cut off from their external experience more than any other style and take refuge in fantasy. When this happens, they may appear detached, reclusive, and dissociated. Individuals who frequently experience this style are often drawn to the arts, science, philosophy, and religious/spiritual ideologies that involve deep thinking—often obsessively dedicating themselves to their beliefs or special interests. Additionally, this style, more than any other orientation style, is likely to enjoy reading, gaming, and activities that take place on digital devices.
Principle Characteristics
When in tune (healthy, balanced state), these individuals are often independent, undemanding, intelligent, creative, inquisitive, analytical, thoughtful, empathetic, imaginative, and are often drawn to spirituality, art, philosophy, or fields that involve deep thinking. When dissonant (unhealthy, out-of-balance state), they are reclusive, detached, unassertive, and prone to dissociation.
Communication Style
The MSE style can present with a wide variety of communication styles. Some with an MSE style speak very little, while others are vocal communicators. In fact, they can make wonderful teachers and experts who can talk in detail about things they know, though they are likely to talk about things intellectually, not experientially. In some cases, they may wrestle with such deep and complex ideas that they struggle to communicate them in a way that makes sense to others. Sometimes they may stutter or have difficulty getting their words out, as if their mouth is struggling with their mind. This can be frustrating and drive them deeper into isolation.
Those who frequently express an MSE style have overdeveloped boundaries that cause them to be cut off from others. In fact, they may seem like a mystery to those close to them. They are naturally gifted at keeping people from getting too close and may be equally gifted at shutting out their external world altogether. On the contrary, this may cause them to miss if someone is crossing their personal boundaries or if they themselves are crossing someone else's boundaries.
How Constructed Awareness Benefits the MSE Style
Constructed Awareness (CA) can support individuals with an MSE orientation by helping them develop greater awareness of their external environment and physical sensations. As deep thinkers, those with an MSE style often become lost in thought and may detach from their sensory experiences. CA encourages them to reconnect with their body and surroundings, allowing them to ground their thinking process in real-world experiences. By cultivating mindfulness of external and sensation-based cues, individuals with an MSE style can foster a deeper sense of connection with others and maintain balance between their intellectual and physical worlds.